Recording your best

First step: recording your frequency print in the best conditions.

One week preparation is required to do so in a free electromagnetic radiation site, that required an isolated island.

A whole hightech infrastructure is waiting for you in a paradisiac place in order to get the very best of your vibrating print.

Seconde step: data managment

Saving the human biodiversity

First is the verb, you are first a vibration that comes from a first vibration process. So once recorded, this wave file will be stored on a highly secured server to protect this crucial database, each patient will have an access on his biotech information folder through its frequency print.

Data analysis and frequency identity profile building

Once recorded, from this frequency print we build frequency algorithm profile. Each profile will be printed in the water you drink. Now you can discover the world where the water you drink is the basic material to maintain yourself through your own vibration: you are the solution to your problem.